The Voice of the King
OCNWL 2024
Track Listing:
The Elvis interviews
Side 1:
1. Texarkana 1955 (Bob Neal) (incorrect)
2. St. Petersburg 1956 (Bob Hoffer)
3. Wichita Falls 1956 (Jay Thompson)
4. New Orleans 1956 (Unknown & Jim Stewart)
5. Memphis 1961 (part one)
The Elvis interviews
Side 2:
1. Memphis 1961 (part two)
2. Houston 1970
3. New York 1972
Released: May 1989:
mono (301)

Bar Code (Top Right) Made in UK This compilation Ocean Records Limited 1989

Gloss Sleeve Ocean Records Logo (Bottom Centre)
Blue & Grey Label - Stamped Ocean Logo

Recording Information:
Interview With Bob Neal
(August 31, 1955: WMPS Radio, Memphis, Tennessee)
Interview With Bob Hoffer
(August 7, 1956: St, Petersburg, Florida)
Interview With Jay Thompson
(April 9, 1956: Municipal Auditorium, Wichita Falls, Texas)
2 Interviews: With Unknown & Jim Stewart
(July 10 & 16, 1956: New Orleans, Louisiana)
Press Conference
(February 25, 1961: Claridge Hotel, Memphis, Tennessee)
Press Conference
(February 25, 1970: Airport Terminal, Houston, Texas)
Press Conference
(June 9, 1972: New York Hilton, New York)