Interview Picture Disc
BAK 2086
Track Listing:
Side 1:
1. WPMS, Memphis, With Bob Neal , 31 August 1955
2. San Antonio, Texas, With Charlie Walker, 15 April 1956
3. Warwick Hotel, New York, With Robert Carlton Brown, 24 March 1956
Side 2:
1. Warwick Hotel, New York, With Robert Carlton Brown, 24 March 1956 (continued)
2. Honolulu, Hawaii, With Tom Moffett And Peter Noone, 18 August 1965
Released: April 1988:
mono (293)
These tracks were previously released by various other labels:
'Personally Elvis' (Silhouette Records)
(U.S. Double Album)
'Elvis Answers Back' (Button Records)
Originally Released: February 1981:
mono (BUT 2) (145)
'Personally Elvis' (Audiofidelity Records)
(UK Double Album)
Originally Released: March 1982:
mono (AFESD 1032) (186)
'Confidential... Elvis' (Arena Records)
Originally Released: May 1987:
mono (ARAD 1008) (282)

Blue/White Marble Effect Sleeve Round Cut Out Centre LIMITED EDITION INTERVIEW PICTURE DISC
Picture Disc

Recording Information:
Interview With Bob Neal
(August 31, 1955: WMPS Radio, Memphis, Tennessee)
Interview With Charlie Walker
(April 15, 1956: Municipal Auditorium, San Antonio, Texas)
Interview With Robert Carlton Brown
(March 24, 1956: Warwick Hotel, New York)
Interview With Tom Moffett and Peter Noone
(August 18, 1965: Honolulu, Hawaii) (set of Paradise, Hawaiian Style)